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Автор: Neret Gilles

Автор: Neret Gilles

Edouard Manet
Discover the artist who applied paint according to the world around him and bridged the transition from Realism to Impressionism....
3031 руб  Купить
Gustav Klimt
Discover the shimmering and sensual oeuvre of Gustav Klimt, the Austrian symbolist painter who polarized the art world by...
3535 руб  Купить
Salvador Dali
Painter, sculptor, writer, filmmaker, and all-round showman Salvador Dali (1904-1989) was one of the 20th century's greatest...
3031 руб  Купить
Kazimir Malevich
After flirtations with Realism, Impressionism, and Symbolism, Kiev-born Kazimir Malevich (1878-1935) found his metier in...
3151 руб  Купить
Salvador Dali. 1904-1989. The Paintings
This book deals with the seminal surrealist. It explores Dali's grandiose and grotesque oeuvre. Picasso called Dali "an outboard...
4201 руб  Купить

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