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Жанр "Книги на иностранных языках"

Sense and Sensibility
Sense and Sensibility was first published anonymously in 1811. The novel tells the story of two sisters, Elinor and Marianne,...
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Wuthering Heights
Although Wuthering Heights is now regarded as a classic of English literature, contemporary opinions were deeply polarized; the...
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Dubliners, a collection of fifteen short stories, first published in 1914, form a naturalistic depiction of Irish middle class...
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Why Does Voltaire's Candide Endure?
Voltaire's masterpiece of satire Candide was written between July and December 1758 and...
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Moby-Dick; Or, The Whale
Call me lshmael." So begins the famous opening chapter of Moby-Dick; or, The Whale. Young sailor lshmael is hired as a crew...
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The Coral Island
Three teenage boys, the sole survivors of a shipwreck, find themselves marooned on a deserted island in the South Pacific. With...
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In the first place, Cranford is in possession of the Amazons; all the holders of houses above a certain rent are women. If a...
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Anne of Green Gables
Mrs. Rachel Lynde lived just where the Avonlea main road dipped down into a little hollow, fringed with alders and ladies'...
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Flatland. A romance of many dimensions
If my poor Flatland friend retained the vigour of mind which he enjoyed when he began to compose these Memoirs, I should not now...
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The Exploits of Brigadier Gerard
Etienne Gerard is a hero of the French army, a veteran of the Napoleonic wars, and a vain and boastful teller of tales that star...
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Undine is the name of the water maiden whose story you will read as you turn the leaves of this little book.
Undine is beautiful...
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Count Robert of Paris
They were the literary phenomenon of their time: The Wavеrly novels, 48 volumes set in fanciful re-creations of the Scottish...
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The Abbot
They were the literary phenomenon of their time: The Waverly novels, 48 volumes set in fanciful re-creations of the Scottish...
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The Cold Heart. Nose, the Dwarf
Wilhelm Hauff was a writer of extraordinary fancy and invention, but working for a more obvious purpose, and producing narratives...
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The Sandman. The Elementary Spirit
No literature can produce a more original writer than Ernst Thcodor Wilhelm Hoffmann (1776-1822), a German Romantic author of...
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Tom Sawyer Aboard
Mark Twain is one of the world's most beloved authors. His classic tales of Tom Sawyer and his good friend Huckleberry Finn have...
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Hollywood Husbands
They have success, money, charisma, and drive. They have looks that could kill, and murderously strong wills. But for some men,...
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The Merry Adventures Of Robin Hood Of Great Renown, in Nottinghamshire
You who so plod amid serious things that you feel it shame to give yourself up even for a few short moments to mirth and...
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The Midnight Club
Rotterham Home was a hospice for young people, a place where teenagers with terminal illnesses went to die. Nobody who checked in...
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The Phantom Rickshaw
One of the few advantages that India has over England is a great Knowability. After five years' service a man is directly or...
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The Celtic Twilight
Born and educated in Dublin, Ireland, William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) discovered early in his literary career a fascination with...
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Don Quixote de La Mancha - Vol II
Bless me! reader, gentle or simple, or whatever you be, how impatiently by this time must you expect this preface, supposing it...
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Don Quixote de La Mancha - Vol I
Although Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was not only the brightest genius of his age and country, but a man of active life and open...
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Far From the Madding Crowd
When Bathsheba Everdene inherits a farm from her uncle, no-one expects her to run it alone. But our spirited young heroine will...
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Beyond the unipolar moment. Russian interests and identity in the era of transformation
Beyond the unipolar moment. Russian interests and identity in the era of transformation of the world order. Расставаясь с...
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Graduate student manual. Nephrology. The course of faculty therapy
This educational tutorial guide to nephrology provides a comprehensive overview of the physiology, pathology and treatment of...
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Skin and Venereal Diseases. Textbook
The textbook is written under the Federal State Educational Standard of higher professional education approved by the Ministry of...
4243 руб  Купить
Rubber dam system. Basic knowledge and practical skills for isolating the working field
Rubber dam system: basic knowledge and practical skills for isolating the working field in clinical dentistry. Tutorial...
4147 руб  Купить
Propedeutics of internal diseases. Textbook
The textbook presents the fundamentals of semiotics, syndromology and diagnostics within the course of propedeutics of internal...
10608 руб  Купить
Biology. Textbook
This textbook is drawn up on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education (Moscow, 2020) for foreign...
5516 руб  Купить

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