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Издательство "Granta Publication"

Издательство "Granta Publication"

The Dangers of Smoking in Bed
Welcome to Buenos Aires, a city thrumming with murderous intentions and morbid desires, where missing children come back from the...
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Orwell’s Roses
Inspired by her encounter with the surviving roses that Orwell is said to have planted in his cottage in Hertfordshire, Rebecca...
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How to Think Like a Philosopher. Essential Principles for Clearer Thinking
As politics slides toward impulsivity, and outrage bests rationality, how can philosophy help us critically engage with the...
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This Book Will Save Your Life
This Book Will Save Your Life is an uplifting story about one man's efforts to bring himself back to life.

Richard is a...
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Haroun and the Sea of Stories
Haroun's father is the greatest of all storyletters. His magical stories bring laughter to the sad city of Alifbay. But one day...
3536 руб  Купить

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