Издательство "ГЭОТАР-Медиа"
Издательство "ГЭОТАР-Медиа"
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В руководстве описаны особенности рака молочной железы, многоликость его проявлений, классификации, приведены современные данные...
В настоящее время 3D-принтеры используются в автомобилестроении, создании самолетов, строительстве домов, пищевой промышленности...
The textbook is prepared in accordance with the 3rd generation of federal state educational standard. The book outlines the...
The textbook is prepared in accordance with the 3rd generation federal state educational standard. The book discusses the...
This tutorial contains information about the connective tissue chemical structure and metabolism, as well as the oral fluid...
The textbook represents a modular presentation of ethics, bioethics and biomedical ethics. Its goal is a philosophical...
The Workbook is a single complex with the textbook Fundamentals of Bioorganic Chemistry (S.E. Zurabyan. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2021)....
This study guide reflects the main issues of care for surgical patients, peculiarities, and technics of various medical...
The manual provides a detailed plan of the case history with a sample of the case report of a patient with the pathology of the...
The manual is written for English-speaking foreign students of General Medicine, Pediatric, Dental, and Preventive Medicine...
All chapters of this textbook have been revised and enlarged in line with the development of medical science and practice....
The textbook for students, studying the basic course of pathophysiology in English, is organized according to the module...
The textbook contains the basic principles of radiation diagnosis of injuries and diseases of human organs and systems, the...
This textbook is devoted to the assessment principles of various environmental factors, as well as the body's response to their...
This textbook is based on the Biochemistry lecture course of the Biological Chemistry Department, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow...
The manual covers the history of therapeutic dentistry, standards and requirements for the organization of dental care,...
Tutorial guide contains the basic principles of fi rst aid in emergency situations and accidents in accordance with contemporary...
Course book highlights nine principle topics of the module «First Aid» as a part of the subject «Health and Safety, Disaster...
The textbook outlines the main provisions of forensic medicine in accordance with the syllabus for the course of Forensic...
The textbook is based on modern organic chemistry and considers the structure and chemical transformations of organic compounds,...
Tutorial is compiled in accordance with the State Federal Educational Standard of Higher Education in 31.05.01 «General Medicine»...
The textbook deals with general issues of surgery (aseptics and antiseptics, haemorrhage, and principle blood transfusion,...
The tutorial guide consists of theoretical principles on informatics, medical informatics, statistics and guidelines for learning...
The present textbook was developed in accordance with the Federal Educational Standard of the Russian Federation and syllabi for...
The publication provides basic information on cytology, theories of tissues and organs, describes the successive stages and...
This textbook sets out the latest ideas regarding cell structure, cytophysiology, development, structure and age-related changes...
The textbook provides essential information on all aspects of structure and functions of the immune system under normal and...
Presented by the team of leading Russian experts in various branches of internal medicine under Academician Anatoly Martynov,...
Presented by the team of leading Russian experts in various branches of internal medicine under Academician Anatoly Martynov,...
The laboratory manual has been written according to the approved curriculum in biological chemistry for students specializing in...