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Издательство "Dom Publishers"

Издательство "Dom Publishers"

The Atlas of Space Rocket Launch Sites
The machines that orbit our planet live in a void environment – however, space travel itself does not exist in a vacuum....
9241 руб  Купить
Tbilisi. Architectural Guide
Tbilisi, capital of the Republic of Georgia, has attracted ­increasing international attention in recent years: Buildings play no...
6166 руб  Купить
Москва. Архитектурный путеводитель
На протяжении многих поколений список достопримечательностей Москвы традиционно ограничивался Кремлем и Красной площадью с храмом...
6166 руб  Купить
Moscow. Architectural Guide
For generations, the trilogy of the Kremlin, Red Square, and the GUM department store marked the undisputed centre of Moscow. The...
6166 руб  Купить
Architectural guide. Mexico City
Once the capital of the Aztec Empire, Mexico City has continuously evolved over the centuries to become one of the largest...
3256 руб  Купить
Architectural guide. Indonesia
How does the world’s fifth largest population express itself in terms of architecture? Is there any common language when it comes...
5476 руб  Купить
Architectural guide. Munster - Munsterland
With its over-1,200 year history, more than 300,000 residents and an attractive old city, Munster is a modern industrial centre...
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Architectural guide. Phnom Penh
Founded in the fifteenth century, planned and rebuilt by the French, and then modernised and expanded in the era after...
2299 руб  Купить
Childcare Facilities. Construction and Design Manual
Designing a childcare facility, whether it is a creche, kindergarten, or preschool, involves many challenges. The architect must...
6706 руб  Купить
Treehouses. And Other Modern Hideaways
The fourth, expanded edition of this successful title presents over 50 contemporary treehouses and various conceptions designed...
6841 руб  Купить
The Power of Past Greatness. Urban Renewal of Historic Centres in European City Centres
The redevelopment of historical centres became an important policy field in the era of European dictatorships following the First...
5566 руб  Купить
Rural Utopia and Water Urbanism. The Modern Village in Franco's Spain
Post-Civil War Spain used the countryside as locus and symbol for the reconstruction and modernisation of the state. The Modern...
2749 руб  Купить
Experimental Diagrams in Architecture. Construction and Design Manual
After its golden age in the last decades of the 20th century, diagramming is still an experimental practice today, but it focuses...
9241 руб  Купить
Eastern Block Stories. Visualising Housing Estates from
The title Eastern Block Stories features a dozen of articles and over 60 unique hand-picked images about mass housing estates in...
2749 руб  Купить
Moscow. Monumental Soviet Mosaics 1925 - 1991
While in other Soviet cities and republics monumental mosaics became common in the 1960s, in Moscow mosaic was used for art-deco...
6166 руб  Купить
The Melnikov House. Icon of the Avant-Garde, Family Home, Architecture Museum
The Melnikov House, a building designed by architect Konstantin Melnikov in Moscow for his family (1927-1929), is an icon of the...
3001 руб  Купить
Дом Мельникова. Шедевр авангарда, жилой дом, архитектурный музей
Дом Мельникова — шедевр архитектурного авангарда, спроектирован Константином Мельниковым в Москве. Это редкий пример частного...
4276 руб  Купить
The History of Architecture. From the Avant-Garde Towards the Present. A Comprehensive Chronicle
What exactly gave rise to the phantasmagoric ­buildings of ­starchitects such as Zaha Hadid?
How did inter­actions between...
5476 руб  Купить
Private Shelters. Teaching Architecture During a Pandemic
В период пандемии Covid-19 мы были вынуждены вернуться в свои квартиры и всерьез задаться вопросом о типологии жилья. Конечно же,...
2749 руб  Купить
Pekka Pitkanen. Concrete Modernism in Finland. 1927–2018
Pekka Pitkanen (1927?-?2018) was one of the most significant Finnish architects of the post-war period. He is known as a master...
2851 руб  Купить
Tunis. Architectural Guide
The courtyards, winding passages, and mosques of the Medina; an Art Nouveau theatre, churches, a brutalist hotel, and...
2299 руб  Купить
London. Architectural Guide. Twentieth-Century Housing Projects
A city famous for its rapid growth and high cost of living, London is not a place one immediately associates with pioneering...
5476 руб  Купить
Aarhus. Architectural Guide
Aarhus is an architectural jewel on the periphery of Continental Europe. The self-proclaimed world's smallest city has borne the...
1688 руб  Купить
Moon. Architectural Guide
Architecture on the moon is no longer a naive fantasy dreamt up by space-flight pioneers. In fact, various building typologies...
5476 руб  Купить
Japan. Architectural guide
Contemporary Japanese architecture has, for over half a century, achieved worldwide recognition not only for its highly...
6166 руб  Купить
Urban Activism in Eastern Europe and Eurasia. Strategies and Practices
Over recent decades, there has been a rise in the number of grassroots initiatives in urban spaces across Eastern Europe and...
4966 руб  Купить
The Lost Last Words of Mies van der Rohe. The Lohan Tapes from 1969
The German-American architect Dirk Lohan began to record his conversations with his grandfather Ludwig Mies van der Rohe in the...
2299 руб  Купить
Shrinking Cities in Romania
The unique achievement of this work is to have brought together research, theory, and action for the first time to deal with the...
2566 руб  Купить
Rational Design of Structural Building Systems. Construction and Engineering Manual
This monograph presents the results of theoretical and experi­mental studies as well as the design and construction ­features of...
6108 руб  Купить
Funfte Fassade. Moskau aus der Vogelperspektive
Этот коллекционный фотоальбом содержит обзор знаковых архитектурных проектов современной Москвы. Денис Есаков фиксирует «пятый...
2911 руб  Купить

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