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Издательство "Cornerstone Press"

Издательство "Cornerstone Press"

The Perfection Trap. The Power Of Good Enough In A World That Always Wants More
Today, burnout and depression are at record levels, driven by a combination of intense workplace competition, the comparative...
8078 руб  Купить
Can't We Just Print More Money? Economics in Ten Simple Questions
An accessible guide to how economics defines all of our lives - the first ever book from the Bank of England.

What is...
5609 руб  Купить
The Confident Mind. A Battle-Tested Guide to Unshakable Performance
A US army psychologist shows how to acquire total self-belief when you need it most

The Confident Mind is a complete guide to...
5606 руб  Купить
Anxiously Attached. Becoming More Secure in Life and Love
Do you constantly talk with your friends about your partner and your relationship? If your partner doesn't answer a text quickly,...
5587 руб  Купить

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