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Серия "Poetry"

Серия "Poetry"

The Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy
Thomas Hardy started composing poetry in the heyday of Tennyson and Browning. He was still writing with unimpaired power sixty...
3047 руб  Купить
Selected Poems of Christina Rossetti
Christina Rossetti is widely regarded as the most considerable woman poet in England before the twentieth century. No reading of...
1531 руб  Купить
Complete Poems
Lawrence's reputation as a novelist has often meant that his achievements in poetry have failed to receive the recognition they...
3047 руб  Купить
The Collected Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Elizabeth Barrett Browning was such an acclaimed poet in her own lifetime that she was suggested as a candidate for the Poet...
1531 руб  Купить
Collected Poems of Oscar Wilde
Wilde, glamorous and notorius, more famous as a playwright or prisoner than as a poet, invites readers of his verse to meet an...
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Selected Poems
William Blake was an engraver, painter and visionary mystic as well as one of the most revolutionary of the Romantic poets. His...
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The Selected Poems of Emily Dickinson
Initially a vivacious, outgoing person, Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) progressively withdrew into a reclusive existence. An...
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The Canterbury Tales
During his life, Geoffrey Chaucer (born c.1340) was courtier, diplomat, revenue collector, administrator, negotiator, overseer of...
1531 руб  Купить
Collected Poems
Robert Burns, the most celebrated of all Scottish poets, is remembered with great devotion - his birthday on 25th January...
1535 руб  Купить

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