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Серия "Penguin Modern Classics"

Серия "Penguin Modern Classics"

Jules et Jim
Based on a real-life love triangle and later made into Francois Truffaut's famous New Wave film, Henri-Pierre Roche's Jules et...
3667 руб  Купить
The Thin Man
The last novel from the unsurpassed master of American detective fiction, Dashiell Hammett's The Thin Man is a genre-defining...
3352 руб  Купить
The Tunnel
Framed as the confession of a tormented outcast who has murdered the only woman capable of understanding him, Ernesto Sabato's...
3724 руб  Купить
The Folks That Live On The Hill
Harry Caldecote is the most charming man you'll ever meet, a convivial academic who devotes his life to others. He is on call...
3725 руб  Купить
The Anti-Death League
In this surreal comedy of soldiers and spies, Lieutenant James Churchill and his colleagues find themselves questioning their...
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That Uncertain Feeling
In That Uncertain Feeling by Kingsley Amis, competition is stiff for the position of sub-librarian in Aberdarcy Library. For John...
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Take A Girl Like You
In Kingsley Amis's Take A Girl Like You, twenty year old Jenny Bunn is supernally beautiful and stubbornly chaste, which is why...
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One Fat Englishman
Brimming with gluttony, booze and lust, Roger Micheldene is loose in America. Supposedly visiting Budweiser University to make...
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I Want It Now
The quickest way to get rich is to marry someone rich, but how do you do this if you aren't yet rich? TV chat-show host Ronnie...
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Girl, 20
Douglas Yandell, a young-ish music critic, is enlisted by Kitty Vandervane to keep an eye on her roving husband - the eminent...
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Ending Up
At Tuppenny-hapenny Cottage in the English countryside, five elderly people live together in rancorous disharmony. Adela Bastable...
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Difficulties With Girls
In Kingsley Amis's Difficulties With Girls, Jenny Bunn and Patrick Standish have settled into London life with their troubled...
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Auntie Mame. An Irreverent Escapade
Inspired by his own eccentric aunt, Patrick Dennis's Auntie Mame is a madcap comedy, published with an afterword by Matteo...
3620 руб  Купить
We the Living
Depicting the daily struggle of the individual against a tyrannical dictatorship, We the Living shows the terrible impact of a...
4098 руб  Купить
Paradise Postponed
When Simeon Simcox, a socialist clergyman, leaves his entire fortune not to his family but to the ruthless, social-climbing Tory...
4098 руб  Купить
The Sea is My Brother. The Lost Novel
The Sea is My Brother is Jack Kerouac's very first novel, begun shortly after his tour as a merchant sailor in 1942. Lost during...
4034 руб  Купить
The Elephant
The Elephant (1957) is Slawomir Mrozek's award-winning collection of hilarious and unnerving short stories, satirising life in...
3725 руб  Купить
How I Came to Know Fish
How I Came to Know Fish (1974) is Ota Pavel's magical memoir of his childhood in Czechoslovakia. Fishing with his father and his...
3725 руб  Купить
The Sound of the Mountain
Ogata Shingo is growing old, and his memory is failing him. At night he hears only the sound of death in the distant rumble from...
3724 руб  Купить
Beauty and Sadness
The successful writer Oki has reached middle age and is filled with regrets. He returns to Kyoto to find Otoko, a young woman...
3724 руб  Купить
Thousand Cranes
Kikuji has been invited to a tea ceremony by a mistress of his dead father. He is shocked to find there the mistress's rival and...
3724 руб  Купить
Flappers and Philosophers. The Collected Short Stories of F. Scott Fitzgerald
Encompassing the very best of F. Scott Fitzgerald's short fiction, this collection spans his career, from the early stories of...
4843 руб  Купить
The Infernal Desire Machines of Doctor Hoffman
Desiderio, an employee of the city under a bizarre reality attack from Doctor Hoffman's mysterious machines, has fallen in love...
3672 руб  Купить
Heroes and Villains
A modern fable, a post-apocalyptic romance, a gothic horror story; Angela Carter's genre-defying fantasia Heroes and Villains...
3538 руб  Купить
Within the Walls
A young working class woman abandoned by her bourgeois lover, the tensions of intermarriage between established classes and...
3724 руб  Купить
The Gold-Rimmed Spectacles
Into the insular town of 1930s Ferrara, a new doctor arrives. Fadigati is hopeful and modern, and more than anything wants to fit...
3724 руб  Купить
The Heron
'It struggled to keep itself aloft, to gain height. But then it suddenly gave up, and dropped as though it were breaking into...
3536 руб  Купить
Behind the Door
'It was useless to think I'd ever be able to throw open the door behind which I was yet again hiding... Not now. Not...
3349 руб  Купить
The Smell of Hay
A new translation of Giorgio Bassani's haunting collection of short stories that evoke 1930s Ferrara, with an introduction by Ali...
3725 руб  Купить
A modernist work of profound wisdom that continues to enthral readers with its subtle blend of Eastern mysticism and Western...
3668 руб  Купить

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