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Серия "Age 2-3"

Серия "Age 2-3"

I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 3-4. На английском языке
- engaging storylines

- trains fine motor skills

- emphasises that learning is fun

- 50 reusable stickers

- good...
483 руб  Купить
I Can Do It! Book of Mazes. Age 3-4. На английском языке
Let's climb a mountain! Or fix a hole in an airplane! Or maybe we could journey to the center of the Earth?
This activity book...
483 руб  Купить
I Can Do It! Cutting and Pasting. Age 3-4. На английском языке
- fun and engaging storylines

- teaches your child to work with scissors and glue

- includes 4 three-dimensional projects...
536 руб  Купить
I Can Do It! Tracing Skills. Age 3-4. На английском языке
- fun and engaging storylines

- prepares little hands for writing

- trains diligence and attentiveness

- teaches shapes...
483 руб  Купить
I Can Do It! Activity pack for children aged 3-4
Includes 5 beautifully packaged activity books plus a bonus page of stickers:

- engaging activities

- more than 300...
2133 руб  Купить
I Can Do It! Playing with Modelling Clay and Colour. Age 2-3
- Fun and engaging storylines

- Introduces your child to working with modelling clay, drawing and colouring

- Trains fine...
483 руб  Купить
I Can Do It! Tracing Skills. Age 2-3. На английском языке
- fun and engaging storylines

- prepares your child's hand for writing by teaching them to draw shapes

- helps to improve...
483 руб  Купить

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