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Серия "Dominoes"

Серия "Dominoes"

Emma. Level 2
Emma Woodhouse is beautiful, clever and rich. She lives alone with her father, and spends a lot of her time thinking about future...
3074 руб  Купить
The Last of the Mohicans. Level 3
The year is 1757. The English and the French are at war in North America. Two sisters - Cora and Alice - want to visit their...
3162 руб  Купить
William Tell and Other Stories. Starter
The men and the woman in this book - William Tell, Tom Blood, Lord Bao, King Matthias, Johnny Appleseed, and Lady Godiva - are...
2766 руб  Купить
Sherlock Holmes. The Sign of Four. Level 3
Miss Mary Morstan has a strange story to tell.
Since her father disappeared, she has received a large pearl through the post on...
3162 руб  Купить
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. Level 3
What happens when a man lives his life backwards, or a family owns a diamond as big as the Ritz Hotel?
How can a boring girl...
3162 руб  Купить

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