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Серия "Thrush Green"

Серия "Thrush Green"

News From Thrush Green
There are new people on the Green . . .
When old Admiral Trigg and his sister Lucy died, their house - Tullivers -stood empty...
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Christmas at Thrush Green
It seems as if Christmas will be perfect this year. But not everything is as peaceful as it seems.

Phyllida and Frank have...
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Celebrations at Thrush Green
A major, double celebration is planned in the Cotswold village of Thrush Green: the village school is in its centenary year; and...
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Friends at Thrush Green
Thrush Green is buzzing with gossip, which everyone is keen to share with two ex-schoolteachers, who have returned to visit their...
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At Home in Thrush Green
Charles Henstock, vicar of Thrush Green is living in his new vicarage after the old one burned down. In its place, eight...
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Affairs at Thrush Green
Charles Henstock, rector of Thrush Green, has difficulty living up to his predecessor when he moves to the parish of Lulling. He...
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Return to Thrush Green
It's Spring again in the village of Thrush Green and with the changing season comes change for many of the villagers.

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Gossip from Thrush Green
As the early sunshine begins to warm Thrush Green, it looks as if it is going to be a golden summer. But in this apparently...
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Battles at Thrush Green
Children's voices ring out from the school playground; in the distance there is the gentle hum of a lawnmower; and all around the...
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Winter in Thrush Green
The arrival of a stranger in the village of Thrush Green stirs up ripples of speculation and interest. Not only does the village...
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Thrush Green
It's the May Day holiday and a fair has come to the village of Thrush Green. The residents of Thrush Green all have their own...
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