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Серия "Richard Bolitho"

Серия "Richard Bolitho"

Band of Brothers
1774: The new year seems to offer Richard Bolitho and his friend Martyn Dancer the culmination of a dream. Both have been...
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Enemy in Sight
1794: as the year draws to a close Richard Bolitho, commanding the old Hyperion, leaves Plymouth to join a squadron blockading...
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Command a King's Ship
1784: at a time when most of the fleet is laid up, His Majesty's frigate Undine weighs anchor at Spithead to begin a voyage to...
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To Glory We Steer
1782: British Captain Richard Bolitho is ordered to take the frigate Phalarope to the Caribbean, where the hard-pressed royal...
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Sloop of War
1778: a seminal year for the young Richard Bolitho... The American War of Independence changes to an all-out struggle for freedom...
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Stand into Danger
1774: Bolitho is now a newly appointed third lieutenant joining the 28-gun frigate Destiny at Plymouth. It is a far step from...
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In Gallant Company
1777: the revolution in America has erupted into a full-scale war.

The navy's main task is to prevent military supplies from...
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