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Серия "Ultimate Guides"

Серия "Ultimate Guides"

Ultimate Crochet Bible. A Complete Reference with Step-by-Step Techniques
Ultimate Crochet Bible is a definitive reference for all aspects of crochet - from the first chain to the care and maintenance of...
4322 руб  Купить
Ultimate Knitting Bible. A Complete Reference with Step-by-Step Techniques
Whether you want to knit socks, use sequins and embroidery to embellish knitting, adapt a pattern to fit you beautifully or...
4322 руб  Купить
Ultimate Sewing Bible. A Complete Reference with Step-By-Step Techniques
Sewing is an extremely rewarding hobby. With so many different fabrics, embellishments and trimmings now available on the high...
4322 руб  Купить

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