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Серия "Gibson Saga"

Серия "Gibson Saga"

Spinners Lake
It is 1860 in Bilsden, the Lancashire mill town, and Frederick Hallam is dying. But first he makes secret plans to smooth the...
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Hallam Square
In 1858 Annie Hallam has at last found complete happiness. She has three healthy babies and adores her husband Frederick. After...
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Ridge Hill
It's 1848 and preparations are underway for Annie Gibson's wedding to Bilsden's wealthy millwoner, Frederick Hallam. But not...
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High Street
In 1845 Annie Gibson can finally leave Salem Street. Her dreams of being able to open an elegant dressmaking salon in the High...
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Salem Street
In 1820 Salem Street is sparkling and new: eight small terraced houses built by a Lancashire mill owner for his best workers....
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