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Серия "Matthew Hervey"

Серия "Matthew Hervey"

A Close Run Thing
Waterloo 1815. The war against Napoleon Bonaparte is raging to its bloody end at Waterloo.

A young officer - Cornet Matthew...
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The Tigress of Mysore
Following the 6th Light Dragoons' successful campaign in the state of Coorg and the deposition of its deranged Rajah,...
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The Passage to India
It is 1831, riots and rebellions are widespread...

In England, the new government is facing protests against the attempts of...
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Words of Command
January 1830, and one of the hardest winters in memory...

The prime minister, the Iron Duke, is resisting growing calls for...
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Man Of War
1827: Britain and the Mediterranean

Captain Sir Laughton Peto, recently engaged to Matthew Hervey's sister, is sailing his...
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A Call to Arms
India 1819: Matthew Hervey is charged with raising a new troop, and organising transport for India - for he, his men and their...
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