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Серия "Inspector Barbarotti"

Серия "Inspector Barbarotti"

The Lonely Ones
A trip behind the Iron Curtain would change their lives forever . . .

It begins in 1969. Six young people arrive in Uppsala,...
3492 руб  Купить
The Secret Life of Mr Roos
At fifty-nine years old, Valdemar Roos is tired of life. Working a job he hates, with a wife he barely talks to and two...
3492 руб  Купить
The Darkest Day
The Darkest Day is the first novel in the five part Inspector Barbarotti series from renowned Swedish crime author Hakan...
1935 руб  Купить
The Root of Evil
July 2007. A letter arrives on Inspector Barbarotti's doorstep detailing a murder that is about to take place in his quiet...
1935 руб  Купить

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