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Серия "Night Soldiers"

Серия "Night Soldiers"

Red Gold
Set in the underworld of Paris in 1941.

Reluctant spy Jean Casson returns to occupied Paris under a new identity.

He is...
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Mission to Paris
Frederic Stahl, a Hollywood film star, travels from Beverly Hills to the boulevards of Paris. It is a dangerous, difficult,...
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Midnight in Europe
Paris, 1938. Democratic forces are locked in struggle as the shadow of war edges over Europe.

Cristian Ferrar, a handsome...
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Dark Star
Andre Szara, survivor of the Polish pogroms and the Russian civil wars, is a journalist working for Pravda in 1937. War in Europe...
3157 руб  Купить
Blood of Victory
November, 1940. I.A Serebin, a writer from Odessa and former decorated Hero of the Soviet Union, is on his way to Istanbul...
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Under Occupation
Occupied Paris in 1942, a dark, treacherous city now ruled by the German security services, where French resistance networks are...
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Night Soldiers
Bulgaria, 1934. Khristo Stoianev sees his brother kicked to death by a gang of fascist thugs. Taking a risk on the promise of...
3103 руб  Купить
A Hero in France
Spring, 1941. Britain is losing the war.

Paris is occupied by the Nazis, dark and silent at night. But when the clouds part,...
2820 руб  Купить

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