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Серия "Delta Teacher Development"

Серия "Delta Teacher Development"

The Developing Teacher. Practical activities for professional development
The Developing Teacher suggests that teachers themselves are the most powerful agents of change and development in their own...
4118 руб  Купить
The Company Words Keep. Lexical chunks in language teaching
The Company Words Keep is a practical and thought-provoking guide for language teachers, showing how the latest insights into...
7173 руб  Купить
The Business English Teacher. Professional principles and practical procedures
The Business English Teacher is a compendium of good practice for successful business English teaching. It is invaluable both for...
7173 руб  Купить
The Book of Pronunciation. Proposals for a practical pedagogy + CD-ROM
The Book of Pronunciation is a definitive account of the key role pronunciation plays in teaching and learning, providing a...
8124 руб  Купить
Teaching English to Pre-Primary Children
Teaching English to Pre-Primary Children is essential for adults involved in the pre-primary education of children who are not...
4118 руб  Купить
Overt Teaching. Putting learners at the centre of their learning discussion. Teacher's Resource Book
Overt Teaching argues that successful learning is dependent on learners being actively involved in the learning process. Not only...
7173 руб  Купить
Going Mobile. Teaching with hand-held devices
Going Mobile explains, and then demonstrates with practical activities, how to use mobile devices in English Language Teaching in...
4322 руб  Купить
Digital Play. Computer games and language aims
Digital Play is available as both paperback and e-book. The e-book is available in the Kindle store where you can download the...
4118 руб  Купить
English is Context. Practical pragmatics for clear communication
English is Context is as enjoyable to read as it will be enjoyable to teach. It is amusing yet authoritative; provocative yet...
4118 руб  Купить
Teaching Lexically
Teaching Lexically shows what a lexical view of language looks like, and explores how it differs from a more traditional 'grammar...
4801 руб  Купить
Teaching Children How to Learn
Teaching children how to learn is a groundbreaking book offering Primary language teachers a new and practical methodology based...
8124 руб  Купить

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