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Серия "Knowledge in a Nutshell"

Серия "Knowledge in a Nutshell"

Carl Jung. Knowledge in a Nutshell
Carl Jung was the founder of analytical psychology and revolutionized the way we approached the human psyche. Drawing on Eastern...
2226 руб  Купить
From the birth of stars to the movements of planetary systems and the galaxies themselves, astrophysics provides us with the...
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Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freuds theories on the unconscious revolutionized the way we approach human behaviour.

This illustrated book provides...
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Quantum Physics
From the behaviour of subatomic particles to the effects of observation to the nature of gravity, quantum physics explains the...
3878 руб  Купить
Classical Philosophy In A Nutshell
From Socrates’ fascinating discussions of morality and virtue to Pythagoras’ attempts to understand the arrangement of the...
2226 руб  Купить
Enlightenment Philosophy In A Nutshell
From Descartes’ famous line ‘I think therefore I am’ to Kant’s fascinating discussions of morality, the thinkers of the...
3878 руб  Купить

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