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Серия "Vintage Heroines"

Серия "Vintage Heroines"

White Chrysanthemum
'Look for your sister after each dive. Never forget. If you see her, you are safe.'

This is the story of Hana and her little...
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We Need New Names
'There are times, though, that no matter how much food I eat, I find the food does nothing for me, like I am hungry for my...
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'I'm alive inside. A bird is my heart. Mama and Daddy is not win. I'm winning.'

This is the story of Precious, a...
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Madame Bovary
'She wanted to die, and she wanted to live in Paris.'

This is the story of Emma, trapped in a disappointing marriage with a...
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Jane Eyre
'Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? - You think wrong!'
This is the story...
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20 Fragments of a Ravenous Youth
'She's no good, that girl. Much too individualistic'

This is the story of Fenfang who, determined to carve out a life more...
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'He must know by now, I should think, that I can give as good as I get!'

This is the story of Gigi, educated as a future...
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