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Серия "Claymore"

Серия "Claymore"

Claymore. Volume 10
Clare and a group of Claymores are sent to the north to battle a group of Yoma that have banded together under the command of...
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Claymore. Volume 9
Clare's battle with the awakened Ophelia ends with a surprising request from Ophelia. Ominous signs begin to emerge as Clare...
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Claymore. Volume 8
Clare's battle with the awakened Ophelia ends with a surprising request from Ophelia. Ominous signs begin to emerge as Clare...
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Claymore. Volume 6
Clare and her fellow Claymores are nearing the end of their strength in their battle against the Awakened Being - a male...
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Claymore. Volume 4
Marked for Death
Teresa, a powerful Claymore, saves a young girl from her bandit captors and leaves the child in the care of...
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Claymore. Volume 3
A Claymore - a female warrior named for the sword she carries - travels from medieval village to village to destroy Yoma,...
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