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Pocket Atlas of Remote Islands. Fifty Islands I Have Not Visited and Never Will

Pocket Atlas of Remote Islands. Fifty Islands I Have Not Visited and Never Will
Pocket Atlas of Remote Islands. Fifty Islands I Have Not Visited and Never Will
6161 руб  Купить
ID товара: 892655
Издательство: Penguin
Автор: Schalansky Judith
Год выпуска: 2012
Страниц: 239
Тип обложки: Инт
Оформление: Обрез цветной
Иллюстрации: Цветные
Масса: 280 г
Размеры: 167x117x17 мм
Наличие: На складе
Born on the wrong side of the Berlin Wall, as a child Judith Schalansky could travel only through the pages of an atlas. Now she has created her own, taking us across the oceans of the world to fifty remote islands. Perfect maps jostle with cryptic tales from the islands, full of rare animals and lost explorers, marooned slaves and lonely scientists, mutinous sailors and forgotten castaways.

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