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5767 руб  Купить
ID товара: 899746
Издательство: 4th Estate
Автор: Slater Nigel
Год выпуска: 2001
Страниц: 448
Тип обложки: Обл. с клапанами
Иллюстрации: Цветные
Масса: 1396 г
Размеры: 245x197x30 мм
Наличие: На складе
Nigel Slater's inspirational guide to home cooking. 'I want you to take in the spirit of the recipes and to deviate according to your ingredients and your feelings. I urge you to break the rules. I want you to follow your appetite.' Inspiring and irresistible, 'Appetite' takes a hundred simple classics and casts aside the insecurities of normal recipes. Ingredients are listed, followed by a suggestion of how much you might need, i.e. 'double cream - start with 100 ml then see how you go'. Readers will be liberated to use their own judgement, indeed actively encouraged to skip half the ingredients for pared-down versions that will teach them the essence of a dish. Recipe titles reflect this approach - 'a cheap spaghetti supper', 'a big pork roast', 'a curry to make you sweat'. Slater's typically unpretentious style and ready wit put the fun back into food.

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