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Жанр "Книги на иностранном языке"

Jennie Gerhardt
Jennie Gerhardt was Theodore Dreiser's second novel and his first true commercial success. The story of love between beautiful...
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David Copperfield 2
David Copperfield is the story of a young man's adventures on his journey from an unhappy & impoverished childhood to the...
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David Copperfield I
David Copperfield is the story of a young man's adventures on his journey from an unhappy & impoverished childhood to the...
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A Tale of Two Cities
After eighteen years as a political prisoner in the Bastille, the ageing Doctor Manette is finally released and reunited with his...
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The Uncommercial Traveller
At the height of his career Charles Dickens wrote a series of sketches, mostly set in London, which he collected as The...
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The Mudfog Papers and Other Sketches
The Mudfog Papers, a collection of sketches by Charles Dickens, describes the local politics of the fictional town of Mudfog -...
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Sketches by Boz II
This richly varied collection of observation, fancy and fiction shows the London he knew so intimately at its best and worst -...
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Sketches by Boz I
This richly varied collection of observation, fancy and fiction shows the London he knew so intimately at its best and worst -...
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The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Edwin Drood is contracted to marry orphan Rosa Bud when he comes of age, but when they find that duty has gradually replaced...
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Our Mutual Friend IV
John Harmon returns to England after years in exile to claim his inheritance: a great fortune and a beautiful young woman to whom...
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Our Mutual Friend III
John Harmon returns to England after years in exile to claim his inheritance: a great fortune and a beautiful young woman to whom...
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Our Mutual Friend I & II
John Harmon returns to England after years in exile to claim his inheritance: a great fortune and a beautiful young woman to whom...
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Hard Times
Dickens creates the Victorian industrial city of Coketown, in northern England, and its unforgettable citizens, such as the...
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Bleak House III
Bleak House opens in the twilight of foggy London, where fog grips the city most densely in the Court of Chancery. The obscure...
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Bleak House II
Bleak House opens in the twilight of foggy London, where fog grips the city most densely in the Court of Chancery. The obscure...
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Bleak House I
Bleak House opens in the twilight of foggy London, where fog grips the city most densely in the Court of Chancery. The obscure...
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The Fallen Leaves
Wilkie Collins was one of the leading English authors of the Victorian era. Collins was a prolific author and he is credited for...
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My Lady`s Money. An Episode in the Life of Young Girl
Wilkie Collins was one of the leading English authors of the Victorian era. Collins was a prolific author and he is credited for...
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The Dead Secret
The Dead Secret was Collins's first full-length puzzle-romance. Moments from death, Mrs Treverton tells a secret, never to be...
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Short Stories. The Grey Woman and other Tales
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer. Her novels offer a detailed portrait of...
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Cousin Phillis
Cousin Phillis is a novel by Elizabeth Gaskell. The story is about 19-year-old Paul Manning, who moves to the country and...
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A Dark Night's Work
A Dark Night's Work turns on concealed crime and a false accusation of murder. The secret goes unknown for about 15 years until...
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Lois the Witch
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer. Her novels offer a detailed portrait of...
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The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby I
Dickens' genius for creating eccentric yet entirely captivating characters found its fullest expression in his third novel,...
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Short Stories. Round the Sofa
Set against the backdrop of the Salem witch hunts, Elizabeth Gaskell's somber novella reveals much about the complicity of...
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Short Stories. Lizzie Leigh and other Tales
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer. Her novels offer a detailed portrait of...
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Short Stories. The Old Nurse's Story and other Tales
Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell was an English novelist, biographer, and short story writer. Her novels offer a detailed portrait of...
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Mr. Harrison's Confessions
Enjoying the comforts of his well-kept home, country doctor William Harrison is prevailed upon by his longtime friend Charles, a...
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The Moorland Cottage
Maggie Browne, the daughter of a deceased clergyman, is encouraged to give up her own life and passions and devote herself to her...
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Sylvia's Lovers
Sylvia's Lovers is set during the French Revolutionary Wars in the remote whaling-port of Monkshaven in Yorkshire where the sea...
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