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Жанр "Психология"

It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be
It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be is a handbook of how to succeed in the world: a pocket bible for the...
2551 руб  Купить
The Laws of Human Nature
Robert Greene is a master guide for millions of readers, distilling ancient wisdom and philosophy into essential texts for...
4683 руб  Купить
Free Your Mind. The new world of manipulation and how to resist it
Learn how to recognise and resist the daily attempts to control and manipulate your mind.

There is a war on for your mind. You...
6059 руб  Купить
You Are Not a Before Picture. How to finally make peace with your body, for good
An urgent, enlightening and empowering guide to disavowing diet culture and learning to make peace with our bodies, from body...
2752 руб  Купить
One Last Thing. How to live with the end in mind
Wendy Mitchell doesn't fear anything anymore. After her diagnosis of young-onset dementia in 2014, all of Wendy's old fears - the...
5809 руб  Купить
The Autistic Experience. Silenced Voices Finally Heard
These are Autistic Voices, and this is The Autistic Experience.

Curated by psychologist and psychotherapist Marie-Laure Del...
4996 руб  Купить
Psychology in Minutes. 200 Key Concepts Explained in an Instant
The quickest way to learn about psychology, from consciousness to modern criminology.

To what extent is memory based on mood?...
3232 руб  Купить
Presence. Unlock Your Inner Confidence to Embrace Life's Biggest Challenges
How can we be our strongest selves in life's most challenging situations? We often approach these situations - job interviews,...
3232 руб  Купить
Overcoming Grief. A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques
Grief is a natural reaction to loss, but in some cases it can be devastating, causing a loss of direction which can impact our...
3822 руб  Купить
Mindfulness. A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world
Authoritative, beautifully written and much-loved by its readers, Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic...
4406 руб  Купить
Grow the F*ck Up. How to be an adult and get treated like one
It's never too late to grow the f*ck up.

And New York Times bestselling author Sarah Knight is here to help! With her...
5371 руб  Купить
Get Your Sh*t Together Journal
Who better than your favourite anti-guru Sarah Knight to help you cut through the bullshit and live your best life, one day at a...
4473 руб  Купить
Get Your Sh*t Together
The no-f**ks-given, no-holds-barred guide to living your best life. Ever find yourself snowed under at the office - or even just...
5371 руб  Купить
Fair Play
Do you find yourself taking on the lion's share of all the thankless, invisible but time-consuming work in the home? Fair Play is...
4104 руб  Купить
Do This for You. Train Your Mind To Transform Your Fitness
It's time to reassess your approach to getting fit! No more crazy self-punishment, 'miracle' diets or one-size-fits-all rules....
3157 руб  Купить
Calm the F**k Down Journal. Practical ways to stop worrying and take control of your life
From the white noise of what-ifs to the white-hot terror of a full-blown crisis, 'Anti-guru' Sarah Knight is on hand to help you...
3945 руб  Купить
A Toolkit for Your Emotions. 45 Ways to Feel Better
In A Toolkit for Your Emotions, Emma takes a deep dive into how we feel and explains all the tools you need to intercept and...
4738 руб  Купить
50 Psychology Ideas You Really Need to Know
An introduction to the key ideas of psychology in 50 concise and accessible essays.

Psychology is everywhere in today's...
3157 руб  Купить
50 Psychology Classics
This brand new edition of the bestselling 50 Psychology Classics includes new classics like Thinking Fast and Slow; Quiet and The...
4738 руб  Купить
The Perfection Trap. The Power Of Good Enough In A World That Always Wants More
Today, burnout and depression are at record levels, driven by a combination of intense workplace competition, the comparative...
8078 руб  Купить
Love, Lists and Labels
'This book is a little bit about me and a little bit about you.'
Having an organisation business, you might think I have...
6242 руб  Купить
How to Survive a Crisis. Lessons in Resilience and Avoiding Disaster
We never know when a crisis might explode. Some 'sudden impact' events, such as terrorist attacks or natural disasters, blow up...
7344 руб  Купить
Dirty Laundry. Why adults with ADHD are so ashamed and what we can do to help
If you have ADHD - or love somebody who does - Dirty Laundry will change your life, and your relationships.

Do you feel...
5504 руб  Купить
Dear Dolly. On Love, Life and Friendship
Since early 2020, Dolly Alderton has been sharing her wisdom, warmth and wit with the countless people who have written in to her...
3668 руб  Купить
Daring Greatly. How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
Every time we are faced with change, no matter how great or small, we also face risk. We feel uncertain and exposed. We feel...
3668 руб  Купить
Conditions of Love. The Philosophy of Intimacy
Raises one of the deepest and most puzzling questions we can put to ourselves ' What is Love?'

Drawing on writers and thinkers...
4036 руб  Купить
Civilization and Its Discontents
Freud's epoch-making insights revolutionized our perception of who we are, forming the foundation for psychoanalysis. In...
5504 руб  Купить
Civilization and Its Discontents
In what remains one of his most seminal papers, Freud considers the incompatibility of civilisation and individual happiness, and...
3301 руб  Купить
Bittersweet. How to Turn Sorrow Into Creativity, Beauty and Love
Whether you long for the partner who broke up with you, or the one you dream of meeting; whether you hunger for the happy...
4036 руб  Купить
Bigger Than Us. Spiritual Lessons for Everyday Happiness
Calm anxiety through connection. Find happiness through purpose. Feel comfort in the universal.
Think bigger to unlock you.
3301 руб  Купить

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