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Серия "Everyman`s Library"

Серия "Everyman`s Library"

The Handmaid’s Tale
A gripping vision of American society radically overturned by a theocratic revolution, Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale has...
4294 руб  Купить
The General in His Labyrinth
Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s most political novel tells the tragic story of General Simon Bolivar, the man who tried to unite a...
4774 руб  Купить
A Farewell to Arms
One of Hemingway’s finest novels, A Farewell to Arms was published in 1929 when the author was at the height of his powers. It...
4294 руб  Купить
Wuthering Heights
Published in 1847, the year before Emily Bronte’s death at the age of thirty, Wuthering Heights has proved to be one of the...
5141 руб  Купить
Selected Stories
Saki's dazzling tales manage the remarkable feat of being anarchic and urbane at the same time. Studded with Wildean epigrams and...
4034 руб  Купить
Emma Woodhouse ‘had lived nearly twenty-one years in the world with very little to distress or vex her’, but during the course of...
3160 руб  Купить
Collected Shorter Fiction. Volume 1
Written over a period of more than half a century, Tolstoy’s enchanting short stories and novellas reflect every aspect of his...
7446 руб  Купить
The Steppe and Other Stories
Anton Chekhov widely hailed as the supreme master of the short story also wrote five works long enough to be called short...
5218 руб  Купить
Notes From Underground
Dostoevsky's most revolutionary novel, Notes from Underground marks the dividing line between nineteenth- and twentieth-century...
4843 руб  Купить
The Cossacks
"Tolstoy's lavish and always graphic use of detail," wrote John Bayley, "together of course with its romance and exotic setting ....
4098 руб  Купить

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