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Серия "Penguin Classics"

Серия "Penguin Classics"

Jacob's Room
Jacob Flanders is a young man passing from adolescence to adulthood in a hazy rite of passage. From his boyhood on the windswept...
3300 руб  Купить
Night and Day
Virginia Woolf's delicate second novel is both a love story and a social comedy, yet it also subtly undermines these traditions,...
3985 руб  Купить
The Voyage Out
A party of English people are aboard the Euphrosyne, bound for South America. Among them is a young girl, Rachel Vinrace,...
3724 руб  Купить
Master and Man and Other Stories
The ten stories collected in this volume demonstrate Tolstoy's artistic prowess displayed over five decades - experimenting with...
3721 руб  Купить
The Gambler and Other Stories
The Gambler and Other Stories is Fyodor Dostoyevsky's collection of one novella and six short stories reflecting his own life -...
2939 руб  Купить
Travels in the Land of Serpents and Pearls
'You will hear it for yourselves, and it will surely fill you with wonder...'
In this selection from Marco Polo's famous travel...
745 руб  Купить
Woman much missed
'Woman much missed, how you call to me, call to me...'
After the death of his wife Emma, a grief-stricken Hardy wrote some of...
1102 руб  Купить
Pride and Prejudice
Austen's most popular novel, the unforgettable story of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy. Nominated as one of America's best-loved...
2933 руб  Купить
A Confession and Other Religious Writings
Describing Tolstoy's crisis of depression and estrangement from the world, A Confession (1879) is an autobiographical work of...
1923 руб  Купить
The Communist Manifesto
Marx and Engels's revolutionary summons to the working classes - one of the most important and influential political theories...
1102 руб  Купить
Anecdotes of the Cynics
'It's you who are the dogs...'
What makes us happy? For over 800 years the Cynic philosophers of ancient Greece and Rome argued...
709 руб  Купить
The Invisible Man
With his face swaddled in bandages, his eyes hidden behind dark glasses and his hands covered even indoors, Griffin - the new...
2605 руб  Купить
Russian Magic Tales from Pushkin to Platonov
'She turned into a frog, into a lizard, into all kinds of other reptiles and then into a spindle'
In these tales, young women...
2680 руб  Купить
Five masterful dramatic works from one of the world's best-loved playwrights, including The Seagull-now a major motion picture...
2977 руб  Купить
Russian Emigre Short Stories From Bunin To Yanovsky
A landmark anthology that will introduce many extraordinary, unknown Russian writers to an English-language readership for the...
4598 руб  Купить
Miss Brill
And again, as always, he had the feeling he was holding something that never was quite his - his. Something too delicate, too...
633 руб  Купить
The Night is Darkening Round Me
'... ever-present, phantom thing;
My slave, my comrade, and my king'
Some of Emily Bronte's most extraordinary...
1102 руб  Купить
Animal Farm
'All animals are equal - but some are more equal than others' When the downtrodden animals of Manor Farm overthrow their master...
1943 руб  Купить
The Sea Raiders
'...slowly uncoiling their tentacles...and making a soft purring sound to each other' A disgusting account of a school of giant...
1546 руб  Купить
Russian Short Stories from Pushkin to Buida
From the reign of the Tsars in the early 19th century to the collapse of the Soviet Union and beyond, the short story has long...
3220 руб  Купить
Anthem For Doomed Youth
'Tonight he noticed how the women's eyes Passed from him to the strong men that were whole.' The true horror of the trenches is...
1102 руб  Купить
Femme Fatale
A selection of Maupassant's brilliant, glittering stories set in the Parisian beau monde and Normandy countryside. Introducing...
735 руб  Купить
The Gate of the Hundred Sorrows
'Mind you, it was a pukka, respectable opium-house, and not one of those stifling, sweltering chandoo-khanas that you can find...
428 руб  Купить
My Life had Stood a Loaded Gun
'It's coming - the postponeless Creature' Electrifying poems of isolation, beauty, death and eternity from a reclusive genius and...
709 руб  Купить
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass
Lewis Carroll's anarchic, disturbing and boisterously funny Alice stories, conjured
up one afternoon to entertain a young girl,...
2535 руб  Купить
Eugene Onegin
"Eugene Onegin" is the master work of the poet whom Russians regard as the fountain head of their literature. Set in 1820s...
3721 руб  Купить
Lord Arthur Savile's Crime
'He was not blind to the fact that murder, like the religions of the Pagan world, requires a victim as well as a priest...'....
735 руб  Купить
Notes from Underground and the Double
'The best thing is to do nothing! Better conscious inertia! So, long live the underground!'
Alienated from society and paralysed...
3536 руб  Купить
Dead Souls
Chichikov, a mysterious stranger, arrives in the provincial town of 'N', visiting a succession of landowners and making each a...
3724 руб  Купить
Andrei Bely's Petersburg is a colourful evocation of Russia's capital during the short, turbulent period of the first socialist...
2779 руб  Купить

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