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Серия "Penguin Modern Classics"

Серия "Penguin Modern Classics"

The Riverside Villas Murder
A mummy is stolen from a small town museum along with some Roman coins and a soaking wet man collapses in fourteen year old Peter...
3721 руб  Купить
Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. Friday, November 22, 1963. 12.30 PM.

Shots ring out. A president dies. And a nation is plunged...
3672 руб  Купить
The Chosen
Following a baseball game that nearly became a religious war, two Jewish boys become friends. Danny comes from the strict Hasidic...
3667 руб  Купить
Born into a Jewish ghetto in Hungary, as a child, Elie Wiesel was sent to the Nazi concentration camps at Auschwitz and...
3352 руб  Купить
The Great Railway Bazaar. By Train Through Asia
The Great Railway Bazaar is Paul Theroux's classic and much-loved homage to train travel.

The Orient Express; The Khyber Pass...
4093 руб  Купить
Ways of Seeing
Based on the BBC television series, John Berger's Ways of Seeing is a unique look at the way we view art, published as part of...
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What is History?
'E.H. Carr, author of the monumental History of Soviet Russia, now proves himself to be not only one of our most distinguished...
3893 руб  Купить
A searing indictment of evil in Hitler's Germany. Hendrik Hofgen is a man obsessed with becoming a famous actor. When the Nazis...
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North of South. An African Journey
In the 1970s Shiva Naipaul travelled to Africa, visiting Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia for several months. Through his experiences,...
4466 руб  Купить
Kolyma Tales
It is estimated that some three million people died in the Soviet forced-labour camps of Kolyma, in the northeastern area of...
4769 руб  Купить
The Eye
Smurov, a fussily self-conscious Russian tutor, shoots himself after a humiliating beating by his mistress' husband. Unsure...
3727 руб  Купить
The Empress Helena made the historic pilgrimage to Palestine, found pieces of wood from the true Cross, and built churches at...
3668 руб  Купить
The Shadow-Line
A young and inexperienced sea captain finds that his first command leaves him with a ship stranded in tropical seas and a crew...
3349 руб  Купить
My Name is Asher Lev
Asher Lev is a gifted loner, the artist who painted the sensational Brooklyn Crucifixion. Into it he poured all the anguish and...
3725 руб  Купить
Last Witnesses. Unchildlike Stories
Selected as a Book of the Year 2019 by The Times and Telegraph

'Astonishing... Like the great Russian novels, these...
4034 руб  Купить
The Skeleton's Holiday
'Ring for your maid, and when she comes in we'll pounce upon her and tear off her face. I'll wear her face tonight instead of...
745 руб  Купить
A Clockwork Orange
Fifteen-year-old Alex doesn't just like ultra-violence - he also enjoys rape, drugs and Beethoven's ninth. He and his gang of...
3353 руб  Купить
Notes on Nationalism
'The general uncertainty as to what is really happening makes it easier to cling to lunatic beliefs'
Biting and timeless...
1102 руб  Купить
Elizabeth is Missing
How do you solve a mystery when you can't remember the clues?
Maud is forgetful. She makes a cup of tea and doesn't remember to...
2031 руб  Купить
The Vigilante
Fifty new books, celebrating the pioneering spirit of the Penguin Modern Classics series, from inspiring essays to groundbreaking...
735 руб  Купить
Three Japanese Short Stories
Fifty new books, celebrating the pioneering spirit of the Penguin Modern Classics series, from inspiring essays to groundbreaking...
709 руб  Купить
Catcher in the Rye
The Catcher in Rye is the ultimate novel for disaffected youth, but it's relevant to all ages. The story is told by Holden...
2122 руб  Купить
Lonesome Traveler
A timeless travelogue from the leading light of the Beat Generation, Jack Kerouac's Lonesome Traveller is a jubilant celebration...
3185 руб  Купить
The Road to Wigan Pier
'We are mistaken when we say that 'It isn't the same for them as it would be for us', and that people bred in the slums can...
3349 руб  Купить
Down and Out in Paris and London
George Orwell's vivid memoir of his time living among the desperately poor and destitute, Down and Out in Paris and London is a...
1808 руб  Купить
Burmese Days
But, my dear friend, what lie are you living?' 'Why, of course, the lie that we're here to uplift our poor black brothers instead...
1924 руб  Купить
Early Stories of Truman Capote
Breathtaking... The stories are special. They stand in their own right as lovely vignettes of the lives of the lonely, broken and...
3536 руб  Купить
The Tailor of Panama
Charmer, fabulist and tailor to Panama's rich and powerful, Harry Pendel loves to tell stories. But when the British spy Andrew...
3620 руб  Купить
England Your England
'England is a family in which the young are generally thwarted and most of the power is in the hands of irresponsible uncles and...
705 руб  Купить
The Machine Stops
'"You talk as if a god had made the Machine," cried the other. "I believe that you pray to it when you are unhappy. Men made it,...
1102 руб  Купить

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