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The Outcast

The Outcast
The Outcast
3721 руб  Купить
ID товара: 885281
Издательство: Vintage books
Автор: Jones Sadie
Год выпуска: 2019
Страниц: 458
Тип обложки: обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
Иллюстрации: Без иллюстраций
Масса: 322 г
Размеры: 196x128x29 мм
Наличие: На складе
The bestselling novel from the author of The Snakes, The Outcast is a powerful portrait of unexpected love and treacherous charades against the backdrop of a sleepy post-war English village August 1957. Lewis Aldridge, straight out of jail, stands alone at a Surrey railway station. He’s returned to the village where he grew up: the village where, a decade earlier, tragedy tore his family apart, leaving him to a troubled adolescence without a mother and with a father he barely knew. Now, the only person who understands him is Kit, daughter of a bullying local businessman. Soon they realise that to forge their own futures, they must first confront the darkest secrets of their past. As family, love, passion, sex and violence become ever more so intertwined, can Kit and Lewis find their way back to each other amidst the chaos?

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