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J. A Novel

J. A Novel
J. A Novel
3721 руб  Купить
ID товара: 886176
Издательство: Vintage books
Автор: Jacobson Howard
Год выпуска: 2015
Страниц: 328
Тип обложки: обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
Иллюстрации: Без иллюстраций
Масса: 234 г
Размеры: 200x130x20 мм
Наличие: На складе
Two people fall in love, not yet knowing where they have come from or where they are going. They aren't sure if they have fallen in love of their own accord, or whether they've been pushed into each other's arms. But who would have pushed them, and why? Hanging over their lives is a momentous catastrophe - a past event shrouded in suspicion, denial and apology, now referred to as What Happened, If It Happened. Set in the future - a world where the past is a dangerous country, not to be talked about or visited - J is a love story of incomparable strangeness, both tender and terrifying. Shortlisted for the 2014 Man Booker Prize, the 2014 Goldsmiths Prize and Longlisted for the JQ Wingate Literary Prize.

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