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Miss Marjoribanks

Miss Marjoribanks
Miss Marjoribanks
4096 руб  Купить
ID товара: 886508
Издательство: Penguin
Автор: Oliphant Margaret
Серия: Penguin Classics
Год выпуска: 1998
Страниц: 548
Тип обложки: обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
Иллюстрации: Без иллюстраций
Масса: 408 г
Размеры: 197x132x28 мм
Наличие: На складе
Returning home to tend her widowed father Dr Marjoribanks, Lucilla soon launches herself into Carlingford society, aiming to raise the tone with her select Thursday evening parties. Optimistic, resourceful and blithely unimpeded by self-doubt, Lucilla is a superior being in every way, not least in relation to men. 'A tour de force...full of wit, surprises and intrigue...We can imagine Jane Austen reading Miss Marjoribanks with enjoyment and approval in the Elysian Fields' - Q. D. Leavis. Leavisdeclared Oliphant's heroine Lucilla to be the missing link in Victorian literature between Jane Austen's Emma and George Eliot's Dorothea Brook and 'more entertaining, more impressive and more likeable than either'.

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