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All My Cats

All My Cats
All My Cats
2980 руб 
ID товара: 888432
Издательство: Penguin
Автор: Hrabal Bohumil
Год выпуска: 2020
Страниц: 96
Тип обложки: обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
Иллюстрации: Без иллюстраций
Масса: 124 г
Размеры: 200x130x7 мм
Наличие: Ограничено
In the autumn of 1965, Bohumil Hrabal bought a weekend cottage in the countryside east of Prague. There, until his death, he tended to an ever-growing, unruly community of cats. This is his confessional, tender and shocking meditation on the joys and torments of his life with them; how he became increasingly overwhelmed by the demands of the things he loved, even to the brink of madness.

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