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5767 руб  Купить
ID товара: 898863
Издательство: Harpercollins
Автор: Cornwell Patricia
Серия: Kay Scarpetta
Год выпуска: 2021
Страниц: 404
Тип обложки: 7Б - твердая (плотная бумага или картон)
Оформление: Тиснение серебром, Частичная лакировка, Супер
Иллюстрации: Без иллюстраций
Масса: 648 г
Размеры: 245x162x35 мм
Наличие: На складе
The legendary Patricia Cornwell is back with her No.1 bestselling, groundbreaking series following Kay Scarpetta Kay Scarpetta is back, and this time she's right in the path of danger... World-renowned forensic pathologist Kay Scarpetta and her husband Benton, a psychologist with the US Secret Service, have returned to Virginia. They are headquartered five miles from the Pentagon in a post-pandemic world that's been torn by civil and political unrest. Just weeks into the job, Scarpetta is called to a railway track where a woman's body has been shockingly displayed, her throat cut down to the spine. But the trail of clues will lead Scarpetta back to her own neighbourhood. At the same time, a catastrophe occurs in a top-secret lab in outer space, endangering the scientists aboard. Scarpetta is summoned to the White House to find out what happened. As she starts the new investigation, an apparent serial killer strikes again, this time dangerously close to home.

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