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Bonnie and Stan

Bonnie and Stan
Bonnie and Stan
3029 руб  Купить
ID товара: 909540
Издательство: Trapeze
Автор: Stuart Anna
Год выпуска: 2019
Страниц: 362
Тип обложки: обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
Иллюстрации: Без иллюстраций
Масса: 252 г
Размеры: 200x130x20 мм
Наличие: На складе
After 50 years together Stan still adores his wife... so why is he dating again? Bonnie and Stan are soulmates. They met during the Swinging Sixties, to the soundtrack of The Beatles and the Merseybeat scene. Now they've grown up and grown old together, had children and grandchildren. They are finally building their dream home, when disaster strikes. Stan is running out of time, and can't bear the thought of leaving Bonnie alone. Alongside his teenage granddaughter Greya, he forms a plan to find Bonnie a new love of her life. And she must never find out... Bonnie and Stan is a poignant, surprising love story set during the Swinging Sixties and the present day. Ultimately feel-good and full of emotion, Bonnie and Stan will make your heart sing.

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