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Enid. The Scandalous High-society Life of the Formidable Lady Killmore

Enid. The Scandalous High-society Life of the Formidable Lady Killmore
Enid. The Scandalous High-society Life of the Formidable Lady Killmore
2785 руб  Купить
ID товара: 929332
Издательство: Allen & Unwin
Автор: Wainwright Robert
Год выпуска: 2021
Страниц: 358
Тип обложки: обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
Оформление: Частичная лакировка
Иллюстрации: Черно-белые
Масса: 354 г
Размеры: 198x130x28 мм
Наличие: На складе
Enid Lindeman stood almost six feet tall, with silver hair and flashing turquoise eyes. She stopped traffic in Manhattan, silenced gamblers in Monte Carlo and walked her pet cheetah through Hyde Park on a diamond collar. In early twentieth century society, where women were expected to be demure and obedient, Enid Lindeman gallivanted through life accumulating four husbands and numerous lovers, her high-jinks dominating British gossip columns during the inter-war years. She drove an ambulance in World War I and hid escaped Allied airmen behind enemy lines in World War II, played bridge with Somerset Maugham and entertained Hollywood royalty in the world's most expensive private home on the Riviera, allegedly won in a game of cards. Enid bedazzled men with her beauty, outlived four husbands-two shipping magnates, a war hero and a larger-than-life Irish Earl-spent two great fortunes and earned the nickname 'Lady Killmore'. From Sydney to New York, London to Paris and Cairo to Kenya, Robert Wainwright's biography restores the remarkable Enid to thrilling, vivid life.

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