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The Dragon Who Didn`t Like Fire

The Dragon Who Didn`t Like Fire
The Dragon Who Didn`t Like Fire
2076 руб 
ID товара: 980849
Издательство: Macmillan Children's Books
Автор: Merino Gemma
Год выпуска: 2021
Страниц: 28
Тип обложки: обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
Оформление: Частичная лакировка
Иллюстрации: Цветные
Масса: 180 г
Размеры: 280x230x5 мм
Наличие: Ограничено
From the award-winning Gemma Merino, author of the iconic The Crocodile Who Didn't Like Water (over half a million copies sold worldwide), The Dragon Who Didn't Like Fire is a deeply funny story about acceptance, difference and unconditional love. Everybody knows that dragons can breathe fire, but unlike her brothers and sisters, this little dragon is different. She doesn’t like fire but she desperately wants to fly and make her Dad proud. In an attempt at flying, she finds herself plunging into the lake. Being underwater should be wet, cold and horrid, but it feels AMAZING. Could it be that this little dragon isn’t a dragon at all?

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