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Just One of Those Days

Just One of Those Days
Just One of Those Days
1816 руб  Купить
ID товара: 980894
Издательство: Macmillan Children's Books
Автор: Murphy Jill
Год выпуска: 2022
Страниц: 22
Тип обложки: 7Б - твердая (плотная бумага или картон)
Оформление: Тиснение золотом, Частичная лакировка
Иллюстрации: Черно-белые + цветные
Масса: 320 г
Размеры: 195x155x18 мм
Наличие: На складе
When Mr and Mrs Bear wake up late, it's raining outside – and Baby Bear is late for nursery. Then Mrs Bear sits on her glasses at work and Mr Bear spills his coffee! Oh dear – it seems this is just going to be one of those days! But the lovable Bear family muddle through cheerfully, and there's even a surprise for Baby Bear when Mr Bear gets home from work. With all the hallmarks of an instant classic, Just One of Those Days is a gentle story about a family day, which parents and children everywhere will relate to – full of satisfying read-aloud repetition and rhythm – and with Jill Murphy's instantly recognizable, cosily-lit illustrations.

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