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Artichoke Hearts

Artichoke Hearts
Artichoke Hearts
2076 руб  Купить
ID товара: 980954
Издательство: Macmillan Children's Books
Автор: Brahmachari Sita
Год выпуска: 2021
Страниц: 319
Тип обложки: обл - мягкий переплет (крепление скрепкой или клеем)
Оформление: Тиснение золотом
Иллюстрации: Черно-белые
Масса: 266 г
Размеры: 196x128x23 мм
Наличие: На складе
Winner of the Waterstone's Children's Book Prize, Artichoke Hearts by Sita Brahmachari is an incredibly insightful, honest novel exploring the delicate balance, and often injustice, of life and death – but at its heart is a celebration of friendship, culture, and life. Heart-healing, deeply enriching and utterly chaotic . . . Be ready to have this one stay with you. - Onjali Q Raъf author of The Boy at the Back of the Class Twelve-year-old Mira comes from a chaotic, artistic and outspoken family where it’s not always easy to be heard. As her beloved Nana Josie's health declines, Mira begins to discover the secrets of those around her, and also starts to keep some of her own. She is drawn to mysterious Jide, a boy who is clearly hiding a troubled past and has grown hardened layers - like those of an artichoke – around his heart. As Mira is experiencing grief for the first time, she is also discovering the wondrous and often mystical world around her.

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