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Rental Person Who Does Nothing

Rental Person Who Does Nothing
Rental Person Who Does Nothing
3866 руб 
ID товара: 994812
Издательство: Picador
Автор: Morimoto Shoji
Год выпуска: 2023
Страниц: 149
Тип обложки: 7Б - твердая (плотная бумага или картон)
Оформление: Тиснение цветное, Частичная лакировка, Супер
Иллюстрации: Черно-белые
Масса: 272 г
Размеры: 222x140x14 мм
Наличие: Ограничено
Need a rental person who does nothing? Shoji Morimoto provides a fascinating service to the lonely and socially anxious. After an old boss told him that he contributed nothing and that it made no difference whether he showed up to work or not, he wondered if a person who ‘does nothing’ could still have a place in the world. With a tweet, his Rental Person service was born. - Have a deep secret you desperately need to reveal, so deep that you can’t tell a friend or family member? - Have you spent a long time home alone, and want to know what it’s like to have somebody with you at your apartment? - Or for someone to simply think of you on a stressful day? Or wave to you as you leave the train station on a long journey? Morimoto is dependable, non-judgmental and committed to remaining a stranger throughout each request, and his encounters are revelatory about both Japanese society and human psychology. In Rental Person Who Does Nothing, Morimoto chronicles his extraordinary experiences in his unique line of work and reflects on how we consider relationships, jobs and family in our search for meaningful connection and purpose in life.

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