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Жанр "Книги"

The Karamazov Brothers
Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoyevsky - a famous Russian novelist, short-story writer essayist,
journalist and...
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The Idiot
The Idiot tells the story of Prince Myshkin, a man of pure innocence, whose kindness and open-hearted simplicity make many of the...
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Crime and Punisment
Представляем вашему вниманию роман Федора Михайловича Достоевского "Crime and Punisment".
На английском языке.
199 руб  Купить
Selected Stories
Представляем вашему вниманию книгу Антона Павловича Чехова "Selected Stories". На английском языке.
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Eugene Onegin: роман в стихах на английском языке
Eugene Onegin is the master work of the poet whom Russians regard as the fountainhead of their literature. Set in 1820s Russia,...
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Un amour de Swann
Un amour de Swann est la deuxieme partie du roman Du cote de chez Swann, le premier tome d'A la recherche du temps perdu. Se...
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The Jungle Book
The Jungle Book (1894) is a collection of fables using animals in an anthropomorphic manner to give moral lessons. The verses of...
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Paradise Regaimend
Paradise Regained recalls the earlier and more famous epic poem Paradise Lost by its title, its use of blank verse, and its...
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Gilbert Keith Chesterton Father Brown: Essential
Father Brown is a fictional Roman Catholic priest and detective created by Chesterton in the early 20th century. Unlike the...
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Lady Chatterleys Lover
Soon after its publication Lady Chatterley's Lover (1928) became notorious for its story of the physical (and emotional)...
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Hearts of Three
Hearts of Three - an adventure novel about young descendant of the pirate Henry Morgan who wants to find the treasure of his...
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Lord Jim
Lord Jim tells the story of young British seaman Jim who once showed a lack of determination and now is trying to come to turns...
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Leaves of grass
Leaves of Grass - a poetry collection, with poems loosely connected. With one exception, the poems do not rhyme or follow...
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Orlando (1928) describes the adventures of a poet who changes sex from man to woman and lives for centuries, meeting the key...
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Sternstunden der Menschheit
Sternstunden der Menschheit ist eine Sammlung von zuletzt 14 historischen Miniaturen, verfasst von Stefan Zweig, die von...
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Das Schloss
Das Schloss ist neben Der Verschollene (auch bekanrtt unter Amerika) und Der Process einer der drei unvollendeten Romane von...
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Код Онегина
Вспомните: кто является самым любимым и часто поминаемым в народе русским писателем? Кто создал русский литературный язык? Кто...
199 руб  Купить
Don Quixote. Том 2
Although the two parts are now published as a single work, Don Quixote, Part Two was a sequel published ten years after the...
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Don Quixote. Том 1
Don Quixote fully titled The history of the valorous and wittie Knight-Errant Don-Quixote of the Mancha. It has been translated,...
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Also sprach Zarathustra
"Also sprach Zarathustra" ist ein dichterisch-philosophisches Werk. Nietzsche schuf keine systematische Philosophie. Oft wahlte...
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Macbeth was written between 1606 and 1607. It is one of the most famous tragedies of Shakespeare. It is based on story of one of...
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Gobseck (1830), fait partie des Scenes de la vie privee de La Comedie humaine. La scene debute dans le salon de Madame de...
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Les fables
Le tour de force de La Fontaine est de donner par son travail une haute valeur a un genre qui jusque la n'avait aucune dignite...
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L'Аvare ou l'Ecole du mensonge
L'Аvare ou l'Ecole du mensonge une comedie en cinq actes et en prose. Il s'agit d'une comedie de caractere dont le personnage...
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Notre-Dame de Paris
Notre-Dame de Paris, un roman historique, publie en 1831. Le titre fait reference a la cathedrale de Paris, Notre-Dame, qui est...
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Brief einer Unbekannten
Brief einer Unbekannten (1922) - eine kurze Novelle in Briefform. Die Rahmenhandlung beginnt damit, dass ein Schriftsteller nach...
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Une vie
Une vie ou L'Humble Verite est le premier roman de Guy de Maupassant, paru d abord en feuilleton en 1883 dans le Gil Bias, puis...
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Le Ventre de Paris
Le tour de force de La Fontaine est de donner par son travail une haute valeur a un genre qui jusque la n'avait aucune dignite...
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Le Barbier de Seville ou la Precaution inutile
"Le Barbier de Seville ou la Precaution inutile" est une piece de theatre francaise en quatre actes, jouee pour la premiere fois...
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Terre des Hommes
Terre des hommes, roman publie en 1939 qui obtient le Grand prix du roman de lAcademie francaise. Les evenements racontes...
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