Жанр "Книги"
показано 30,
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In her brilliantly inventive debut collection, Vanessa Onwuemezi takes readers on a surreal and haunting journey through a...
As night falls over Vienna, Franz Ritter, an insomniac musicologist, takes to his sickbed with an unspecified illness and spends...
Surreal, ambitious and exquisitely conceived, The Doll's Alphabet is a collection of stories in the tradition of Angela Carter...
Edinburgh, 2014. Two writer friends, Damaris and Oliver Pablo, escape London, the city that killed his brother. They spend their...
'After many years I had excised myself from the life I had led in town, just as one might cut a figure out of a landscape or...
Translated for the first time into English, cult German author Rainald Goetz’s debut novel Insane draws upon his clinical...
Ranging from the seventeenth century to our current moment, and crossing multiple continents, Counternarratives’ stories and...
Still Born, Guadalupe Nettel’s fourth novel, explores one of life’s most consequential decisions – whether or not to have...
In May and September 1976, two earthquakes ripped through north-eastern Italy, causing severe damage to the landscape and its...
Pristina, Kosovo, 1999. Barry Ashton, recently divorced, has been deployed as a civil engineer attached to the Royal Engineers...
International Booker-longlisted author Clemens Meyer returns with Dark Satellites, a striking collection of stories about...
Inside a luxury housing complex, two misfit teenagers sneak around and get drunk. Franco Andrade, lonely, overweight, and...
Animalia retraces the history of a modest peasant family through the twentieth century as they develop their small plot of land...
Veronica is late, and Julian is increasingly convinced she won't ever come home. To pass the time, he improvises a story about...
Melodrama, biography, cold war thriller, drug memoir, essay in fragments, mystery - Fassbinder Thousands of Mirrors is cult...
Bonsai is the story of Julio and Emilia, two young Chilean students who, seeking truth in great literature, find each other...
‘I too wanted to forget that girl. Really forget her, that is, stop yearning to write about her. Stop thinking that I have to...
In the mid-eighteenth century, as new ideas begin to sweep the continent, a young Jew of mysterious origins arrives in a village...
An unnamed narrator, recently bereaved, travels to Olevano, a small village south-east of Rome. It is winter, and from her...
Emergency is a novel about the dissolving boundaries between all life on earth. Stuck at home alone under lockdown, a woman...
Buried deep in rural France, little remains of the isolated hamlet of the Three Lone Girls, save a few houses and a curiously...
In the mountainous city of Nevers, there lives a professor of literature called Q. He has a dull marriage and a lacklustre...
What do we mean when we claim affinity with an object or picture, or say affinities exist between such things? Affinities is a...
Говорите "спасибо" и "пожалуйста". Не стойте как столб у двери. Поздоровайтесь и улыбнитесь. Не спрашивайте про зарплату. Это...
Кто принимает решения в вашей жизни вместо вас? Убедитесь, что обладаете достаточной ассертивностью, чтобы самому выбирать, что...
"Классные лабиринты" - это серия увлекательных игр на развитие мышления, внимания, и наблюдательности. Юных исследователей ждут...
"Шекспир или Марло?" - новая книга писателя Вячеслава Катамидзе, который известен российскому читателю как автор исторических...
Самая удобная книга для ваших рецептов!
- Полезная таблица мер и весов упростит приготовление любимых блюд!
- Таблица...
Интернет заслуженно относят к величайшим изобретениям двадцатого века. Современный мир сложно представить без возможности...
Отчего вымерли мамонты, до сих пор нельзя сказать точно. Зато благодаря учёным нам очень много известно о том, как мамонты жили....