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Жанр "Современная отечественная проза на англ. языке"

War and Peace. Contemporary Russian Prose
WAR&PEACE: a compelling portrait of post-post-perestroika Russia.
WAR&PEACE brings together 12 stories by new generation of...
361 руб  Купить
Mendeleev Rock. Rooftop Anesthesia. Volume 49
These two novels by Debut Prize finalists present typical provincial towns in central Russia and a gallery of modern-day types:...
361 руб  Купить
The Twilight Watch
Walking the streets of Moscow, indistinguishable from the rest of its population, are the Others. Possessors of supernatural...
1920 руб  Купить
Last Watch
Indistinguishable from normal people but possessed of supernatural powers and capable of entering the Twilight, a shadowy world...
2136 руб  Купить
Cancer Ward
Solzhenitsyn's celebrated novel describes the lives of people in the Soviet Union under Stalin who were condemned on health...
4093 руб  Купить

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