Жанр "Фантастика и ужасы на английском языке"
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They killed Number One in Malaysia.
Number Two in England.
And Number Three in Kenya.
John Smith is not your average...
Guestbook explores the glimmering, unsettling things that haunt us in the midst of life, combining stories, vignettes and an...
Welcome to Golden State, where the worst crime you can commit is to lie.
Laz Ratesic is a veteran of the State's special police....
A gorgeous Beijing-set novel of music, secrets and self-discovery
For three years, Song Yan has filled the emptiness of her...
Aster believes she is a normal teenage girl - she is very wrong…
Teenager Aster barely escapes with her life when her adoptive...
The first Nought Prime Minister, Toney Durbridge, is about to go on trial for the murder of notorious ganglord, Dan Jeavons....
Samuel Delany is one of the most radical and influential science fiction writers of our age, who reinvented the genre with his...
‘The past is like a foreign country. Nice to visit, but you really wouldn't want to live there.’
In 2003, Rebecca Whitaker...
‘I am an expert on witchcraft, Doctor, but I wish to learn more. Before you die, I want answers.’
The TARDIS lands in the...
The winter festival is approaching for the hardy colony of Morphans, but no one is in the mood to celebrate. They’re trying to...
"Being scared is the least of your worries."
The Shining Men are everywhere. You spot them out of the corner of your eye....
For a Good Doctor there's only one rule: first do no harm.
On the planet of Lobos, the Doctor halts a violent war between the...
'We must get to the bottom of this dark and queer business, no matter what the cost!'
Something ghastly is afoot in Victorian...
'Even though they're gone from the world, they're never gone from me.'
The Doctor is many things - curious, funny, brave,...
The legendary lost Doctor Who story from the unique mind of Douglas Adams
Inside this book is another book – the strangest,...
The Daleks are advancing, their empire constantly expanding. The battles rage on across countless solar systems – and the Doctor...
"The Ood came from a distant world, they voyaged across the stars, all for one purpose... to serve."
The TARDIS lands on the...
The aerodrome in Culverton has new owners, and they promise an era of prosperity for the idyllic village. But former Spitfire...
Ding Dong!
The TARDIS is invaded. A plea for help delivered by robot summons the Doctor and her friends Yaz, Graham and Ryan...
All over the world, people are venting their fury at one another on social media. Dropping their friends, giving vent to their...
On a moon of the ruined planet Akoshemon, an age-old terror is about to be reborn. Something that remembers the spiral of war,...
"Here on Saturn, it literally rains diamonds."
For over fifteen years the crew of Kollo-Zarnista Mining Facility 27 has been...
"We need to reach out. We need to continue the line..."
On a windswept northern shore, the islanders believe the worst they...
How do you win a battle when the dead fight on?
The TARDIS arrives in Gaul in 451AD, on the eve of battle between the forces...
The Doctor takes Romana for a holiday in Paris – a city which, like a fine wine, has a bouquet all its own. Especially if you...
Whatever you borrow must be repaid…
Andrew Brown never has enough time. No time to call his sister, or to prepare for that...
“I'm an archaeologist, but probably not the one you were expecting.”
Christmas 2015, Sydney, New South Wales,...
Wilfred Mott is very happy: his granddaughter, Donna, is back home, catching up with family and gossiping about her journeys, and...
Hyperville is 2013's top hi-tech 24-hour entertainment complex - a sprawling palace of fun under one massive roof. You can go...
Past or future, which path do you choose?
Past, present and future collide as the Thirteenth Doctor meets classic Doctor Who...