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Жанр "Адаптированная литература"

Английский с Г. Честертоном. Рассказы об отце Брауне
В книге представлены детективные новеллы Гилберта К. Честертона (1874-1936) о скромном пасторе Брауне, чей проницательный ум...
370 руб  Купить
A Clockwork Orange
В основе сюжета история, рассказанная Алексом - подростком, сколотившим банду ровесников, промышляющую разбоем и насилием....
342 руб  Купить
Английский с улыбкой. Бернард Шоу. Оружие и мужчина
Глухая ноябрьская ночь. Красавица Раина не спит: ее жених сражается в рядах болгарской армии совсем неподалеку. Неожиданно в...
460 руб  Купить
Английский с Дж. Лондоном. Истории южных морей
"Истории южных морей" Джека Лондона, написанные им под впечатлением тихоокеанского путешествия на собственноручно...
411 руб  Купить
Английский с О.Уайльдом. Кентервильское привидение
В книге предлагается повесть О. Уайльда «Кентервильское привидение», адаптированная (без упрощения текста оригинала) по методу...
314 руб  Купить
A Murder is Announced. Level 4. B2
An advertisement in the local newspaper announces that there is going to be a murder this evening at Little Paddocks – but this...
3537 руб  Купить
The ABC Murders. Level 4. B2
Poirot has a new challenge on his hands. The A B C murderer killed Mrs Ascher in Andover, then Betty Barnard in Bexhill, then...
2208 руб  Купить
Evil Under the Sun. Level 4. B2
Hercule Poirot is enjoying a relaxing holiday when a glamorous actress arrives to join their group - then just two days later she...
2208 руб  Купить
The Mirror Crack'd from Side to Side. Level 4. B2
When famous actress Marina Gregg buys Gossington Hall, she wastes no time in introducing herself and her husband to their new...
3537 руб  Купить
And Then There Were None. Level 4. B2
Ten strangers are invited to a tiny island, each for a very different reason. Over dinner on the first night, a recorded message...
2208 руб  Купить
Cat Among Pigeons. Level 5. B2+
Late one night, two teachers investigate a mysterious light in the school Sports Pavilion. Among the tennis racquets and lacrosse...
2002 руб  Купить
4.50 from Paddington. Level 5. B2+
Collins brings the Queen of Crime, Agatha Christie, to English language learners.
Agatha Christie is the most widely published...
1805 руб  Купить
Destination Unknown. Level 5. B2+
Famous scientists from around the world are disappearing and nobody knows why. The one woman who can help uncover the truth is...
2002 руб  Купить
They Do It With Mirrors. Level 5. B2+
There is a dangerous atmosphere at Stoneygates, a centre for young criminals. When Miss Marple visits her friend there, she can...
2002 руб  Купить
Crooked House. Level 5. B2+
The Leonides family live together in a large and crooked house in a wealthy London suburb. When the elderly millionaire Aristide...
2002 руб  Купить
Sparkling Cyanide: B2+ Level 5
Six people sit down for dinner at a table laid for seven. No one can forget the night exactly a year ago that Rosemary Barton...
2002 руб  Купить
Peril at House End. Level 5. B2+
Hercule Poirot, the famous detective, is on holiday in the south of England when he meets a lady called Nick Buckley. Nick has...
2002 руб  Купить
Murder at the Vicarage. Level 5. B2+
When Colonel Protheroe is found murdered in the vicar’s study, it seems that almost everyone in the village of St Mary Mead had a...
2002 руб  Купить
Murder on the Orient Express. Level 3. B1
Poirot is on his way home to London on the famous Simplon Orient Express when a murder is committed. It is clear that no one...
1963 руб  Купить
Why Didn't They Ask Evans? Level 5. B2+ + CD
Bobby Jones is playing golf … terribly. As his ball disappears over the edge of a cliff, he hears a cry. The ball is lost, but on...
3144 руб  Купить
Английский с Луизой Мэй Олкотт. Под маской невинности
В благородном семействе Ковентри — новая гувернантка. Мисс Мьюр очаровательна, скромна, превосходно музицирует и безукоризненно...
502 руб  Купить
The Mysterious Island
Любите ли вы приключения? Мечтаете о необитаемых островах, полётах на воздушном шаре и сражениях с пиратами? Завораживают ли вас...
488 руб  Купить
Alexandra the Royal Baby Fairy
These cheerful and inviting Early Readers bring the blast of colour that Rainbow Magic's youngest fans have been waiting...
1760 руб  Купить
The Weather Fairies
Learning to read is fun with the Rainbow Magic Fairies! Developed in conjunction with Early Years reading consultants and based...
1760 руб  Купить
The Fairyland Costume Ball
Learning to read is fun with the Rainbow Magic Fairies! Developed in conjunction with Early Years reading consultants and based...
1760 руб  Купить
A Magical Birthday Surprise
Learning to read is fun with the Rainbow Magic Fairies! Developed in conjunction with Early Years reading consultants and based...
1760 руб  Купить
The Three Little Astronauts
Early Readers are stepping stones from picture books to reading books. A blue Early Reader is perfect for sharing and reading...
1576 руб  Купить
Heart of Darkness
"Сердце тьмы" - повесть польско-английского писателя Джозефа Конрада, признанного мастера приключенческого и морского романа....
330 руб  Купить
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Level 2
Alice goes after a white rabbit into Wonderland. There she meets the Mad Hatter, the Duchess and many other famous people and...
2003 руб  Купить
Tess of the D'Urbervilles. Level 6. B1+
When Jack and Joan Durbeyfield learn that their ancestors were the d'Urbervilles - a rich and well-known family - they hope it...
2571 руб  Купить

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