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Издательство "Alma Books"

Издательство "Alma Books"

Alistair Grim’s Odditorium
An enchanting book set in a world where the odd is the ordinary, evil has many faces and love is the most powerful magic of them...
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Alistair Grim’s Odd Aquaticum
The sequel to Alistair Grim’s Odditorium
Grubb, the young apprentice at Alistair Grim’s Odditorium (a flying house of mechanical...
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Jude the Obscure
Jude Fawley, an intelligent and sensitive young Wessex schoolboy, dreams of studying at the famous university in Christminster,...
2282 руб  Купить
The Red Notebook
Published posthumously, The Red Notebook is an account of the youth of the author of the seminal Romantic novel Adolphe, relating...
3420 руб  Купить
New Arabian Nights
Stevenson published this collection of his early fiction in 1882, after the pieces had appeared in various magazines. The first...
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Journey by Moonlight
Travelling to Italy on their honeymoon, Erszi and Mihaly are ready to take in all the beauties and pleasures of the country. But...
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A Slight Misunderstanding
Trapped in an unhappy marriage with a boorish, inattentive and socially ambitious husband, Julie de Chaverny enjoys a flirtatious...
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The House of Mirth
An impoverished member of the privileged high society of old New York, Lily Bart is beautiful and socially agreeable, but she is...
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King Solomon’s Mines
When the adventurer Allan Quatermain is asked by Sir Henry Curtis and Captain Good to help them find Sir Henry’s missing brother,...
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The Invisible Man
The mysterious Griffin arrives at a picturesque English inn during a snowstorm, swaddled in bandages which cover his face and...
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The Time Machine
A Victorian scientist and inventor creates a machine for propelling himself through time, and voyages to the year AD 802701,...
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Memories of London. An Excursion to the Poor Districts of London
As a first-time visitor to London, De Amicis was awestruck by the bustle and magnificence of the Victorian metropolis and wrote a...
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To the Lighthouse
When Mrs Ramsay tells her guests at her summer house on the Isle of Skye that they will be able to visit the nearby lighthouse...
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The Sunday of Life
When shop-owner Julia Segovia decides that she’s going to marry the handsome if exceedingly young and naive soldier Valentin Bru,...
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Basil and Josephine
Basil and Josephine charts the coming of age of two privileged youths from quiet Midwestern towns, Basil Duke Lee and Josephine...
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Pictures from Italy
In the summer of 1844, taking a break from novel-writing, the thirty-two-year-old Charles Dickens embarked on a journey to Italy...
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Two Days in the Life of the Terrestrial Globe and Other Stories
In the title piece of this collection a party of guests wonder at the great comet which has appeared in the sky, and give their...
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The Haunted House
Having moved into an abandoned haunted house, the narrator, undaunted by the warnings of the locals, invites a party of friends...
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The Horror Handbook
What happens to a vampire when he dies? How does somebody become a werewolf? How can you protect yourself from witches? All of...
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Leaves of Grass
First published in 1855 and extended by the author over the course of more than three decades, Leaves of Grass embodies Walt...
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Pantagruel and Gargantua
With his birth itself a monumental exploit in itself, it is clear that the giant Pantagruel is destined to great things, and the...
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Love and Friendship and Other Writings
These inventive and entertaining pieces display the early sparkles of wit and imagination of Jane Austen’s mature fiction....
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With the Flow
The lowly, downtrodden Paris civil servant Jean Folantin seeks respite from the boredom and isolation of his life in the small...
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George Silverman’s Explanation
After a traumatic early childhood spent living in poverty in a Preston cellar, the suddenly orphaned George Silverman grows up...
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Is Shakespeare Dead? And 1601
An exponent of the theory that William Shakespeare, the modestly educated provincial man from Stratford-upon-Avon, could not have...
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Pleasures and Days
Proust's only other work of fiction published in his lifetime apart from the monumental novel cycle In Search of Lost Time,...
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Love Poems
Dante is known to most readers outside Italy for his gritty descriptions of the Inferno, but there is another, gentler side to...
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The Beautiful and Damned
The heir to his grandfather’s considerable fortune, Anthony Patch is led astray from the path to gainful employment by the...
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Death on Credit
When Celine’s first novel, Journey to the End of the Night, was first published in 1932, it created an instant scandal, being...
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Complete Poems
Dual-Language Edition.

Dante's best friend and a major exponent of the Dolce Stil Novo, Guido Cavalcanti has had a lasting...
4179 руб  Купить

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