Жанр "Книги"
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. . . I wanted you more than you'll ever know,
so I sent love to follow wherever you go . . .
Love is the greatest gift we...
From Julia Donaldson, the bestselling author of The Gruffalo, comes Princess Mirror-Belle and the Magic Shoes, the exciting...
In Duckling, Duckling, PEEKABOO, babies' favourite game is brought to life with easy grab-and-pull mechanisms and a shiny...
A wonderfully witty take on a much-loved fairy tale, The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Book celebrates the magic of reading...
The most famous memoir of its kind and a key text in the anti-slavery movement, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass tells...
Come and play with the Gruffalo and friends in this fun sticker book, bursting with activities to complete and over 1000...
Hoping for fame and fortune, the Singing Mermaid joins Sam Sly's circus. The crowds love her, but the poor mermaid is kept in a...
Grab your wellies and head outdoors with this fun-filled activity book packed full of outdoor activities for children, including...
A special edition from Macmillan Collector’s Library; a series of stunning classics that make perfect gifts or a treat for any...
Packed full of everyone's favourite zoo animals, and with a large flap to lift on every page, Who's at the Zoo? is perfect for...
The animal kingdom is brought to life with Pop Up Planet Animals!
Meet the trumpeting elephants, watch naughty monkeys swing...
Grab your wellies and head outdoors with this fun-filled activity book packed full of outdoor activities for children, including...
Aziza's Secret Fairy Door and the Mermaid's Treasure is the fourth title in this fun and inclusive, young magical adventure...
Aziza's Secret Fairy Door and the Birthday Present Disaster is the third title in a fun and inclusive, young magical adventure...
One of the best things you can do for yourself is imagine a world where you can reach your full potential. The more you picture...
A special edition featuring beautiful heritage wallpaper patterns from her own home in Hampshire, these collectable paperbacks...
When Chang meets an elderly elephant named H'non, she makes a promise to rescue her from a lifetime of captivity. Together, they...
Play a game of hide-and-seek on safari to find out Where is Little Elephant?
Young children can follow the clues and lift the...
Les ?uvres revolutionnaires de la derniere periode de Matisse
Sur la fin de sa prodigieuse carriere de peintre, sculpteur et...
L’?uvre fascinante d’une ame tourmentee
Aujourd’hui, l’?uvre de Vincent Van Gogh (1853–1890) est l’une des plus connues et...
Les genies delaisses de l’impressionnisme
C’est la vue d’un port, une scene experimentale aux touches imprecises, qui donna...
Musique, danse et Moulin-Rouge
Parmi ceux a qui l’on doit notre representation fantasmee de Paris le peintre et graphiste...
Quand le marbre et l’argile prennent vie
Tout en ancrant sa pratique dans la continuite de l’art antique et de la Renaissance,...
L’art de peindre les plaisirs de la vie
Chef de file, parmi d’autres, du courant impressionniste, Pierre-Auguste Renoir...
Beaute singuliere
Amedeo Modigliani (1884-1920) a trace des odes infinies aux formes feminines, inscrivant ses corps allonges,...
Le regard de Paul Gauguin sur le Pacifique resplendit de couleurs et de lumiere
Paul Gauguin (1848–1903) n’etait pas fait pour...
Comment Duchamp changea le cours de l’art du XXe siecle
Depuis quand un urinoir n’est plus un urinoir? Depuis que Marcel...
L’art de figurer les corps en mouvement
Souvent associe a la naissance de l’impressionnisme dans le Paris du milieu du XIXe...
Le peintre qui impulsa le modernisme
Deuxieme moitie du XIXe siecle. Dans la campagne verdoyante pres d’Aix-en-Provence, Paul...
Provoquer l’ordre etabli par des instincts primaires
Avec Salvador Dali en figure de proue, le grand vaisseau du Surrealisme a...