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Жанр "Нехудожественная литература на английском языке"

Have a Little Faith
Will you do my eulogy?

With those words, Mitch Albom begins his long-awaited return to non-fiction. His journey to honour the...
3157 руб  Купить
In Happy-Go-Lucky, David Sedaris once again captures what is most unexpected, hilarious, and poignant about recent upheavals,...
3471 руб  Купить
Hands of Time. A Watchmaker's History of Time
In Hands of Time, watchmaker and historian Rebecca Struthers welcomes us into the hidden world of watchmaking, and to a history...
6952 руб  Купить
Hammer Time. Me, West Ham, and a Passion for the Shirt
From West Ham's cult hero, Julian Dicks, a hugely entertaining romp through football and the East End of the Eighties and...
6952 руб  Купить
Grow the F*ck Up. How to be an adult and get treated like one
It's never too late to grow the f*ck up.

And New York Times bestselling author Sarah Knight is here to help! With her...
5371 руб  Купить
Gladius. Living, Fighting and Dying in the Roman Army
Guy de la Bedoyere's gripping narrative history gives a sense of what it was like to be a soldier in the army that brought the...
4104 руб  Купить
Get Your Sh*t Together Journal
Who better than your favourite anti-guru Sarah Knight to help you cut through the bullshit and live your best life, one day at a...
4473 руб  Купить
George Best. A Memoir
A unique biography of football icon, George Best, written by journalist and broadcaster, Michael Parkinson

One of the most...
3471 руб  Купить
Gather Together In My Name
Maya Angelou's seven volumes of autobiography are a testament to the talents and resilience of this extraordinary writer. Though...
3157 руб  Купить
Frequently Asked Questions About the Universe
You've got questions: about space, time, gravity, and the odds of meeting your older self inside a wormhole. All the answers you...
3471 руб  Купить
France. A History. From Gaul to de Gaulle
John Julius Norwich's last book is the book he always wanted to write: the extremely colourful story of the country he loves...
4104 руб  Купить
Forgotten Warriors. A History of Women on the Front Line
From Boudicca to Ukraine, battlefields have always contained a surprising number of women. Tracing the long history of female...
7900 руб  Купить
Finding Chika
Chika Jeune came into Mitch Albom's life by chance. Growing up in the aftermath of the devastating 2010 Haiti Earthquake, at...
3157 руб  Купить
Faster Than a Cannonball. 1995 and All That
Part oral history, part narrative pop culture, part celebration of the music of 1995

Decades tend to crest halfway through,...
7900 руб  Купить
Fast Forward. The Autobiography
Misconceptions have stalked Andy Cole like a hatchet-man defender determined to cut him down to size. Now, in his candid and...
3157 руб  Купить
Farewell to the East End
This final book in Jennifer Worth's memories of her time as a midwife in London's East end brings her story full circle. As...
3157 руб  Купить
Fallen Idols. History is not erased when statues are pulled down. It is made
In the past few years, there has been a rush to topple statues. Across the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Belgium...
4104 руб  Купить
Fair Play
Do you find yourself taking on the lion's share of all the thankless, invisible but time-consuming work in the home? Fair Play is...
4104 руб  Купить
Enigma. The Battle for the Code
Breaking the German Enigma codes was not only about brilliant mathematicians and professors at Bletchley Park. There is another...
3617 руб  Купить
Empires of the Normans. Makers of Europe, Conquerors of Asia
It is a tale of ambitious adventures and fierce freebooters, of fortunes made and fortunes lost. The Normans made their influence...
4104 руб  Купить
Eagles - Dark Desert Highway. How America's Dream Band Turned into a Nightmare
'This could be heaven or this could be hell...'

So sings Don Henley on their biggest hit, 'Hotel California', and it is true...
7900 руб  Купить
Dynasty. The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar
Rome was first ruled by kings, then became a republic. But in the end, after conquering the world, the Republic collapsed. Rome...
4104 руб  Купить
Dominion. The Making of the Western Mind
Dominion tells the epic story of how those in the West came to be what they are, and why they think the way they do. Ranging from...
4104 руб  Купить
Do No Harm. Stories of Life, Death and Brain Surgery
What is it like to be a brain surgeon?

How does it feel to hold someone's life in your hands, to cut through the stuff that...
2820 руб  Купить
Dinosaurs. 10 Things You Should Know
Travel back to the prehistoric world and discover the most fascinating parts of the lives of Earth's most awe-inspiring creatures...
3157 руб  Купить
Dictionary of Norse Myth and  Legend
From bestselling books to blockbusting Hollywood movies, the myths of the Scandinavian gods and heroes are part of the modern day...
5999 руб  Купить
Diary of a Tuscan Bookshop
Alba used to live a hectic life, working as a book publicist in Italy, and yet she always felt like a woman on the run. And so...
3157 руб  Купить
David Hockney
David Hockney is the most famous living British artist. And he is arguably one of the more famous American artists as well....
4104 руб  Купить
Cry of the Kalahari
Carrying little more than a change of clothes and a pair of binoculars, two young Americans, Mark and Delia Owens, caught a plane...
2370 руб  Купить
"I was what the older generation of prison officers called a 'care bear'. It was my job to work with the prisoners most in danger...
3157 руб  Купить

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